Fetch Quest: The game is mostly a series of these.Ghosts, vampires, and witches are to be expected, but an Egyptian pyramid? In the middle of a spooky forest with gnarled trees? God knows how that got there. Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Haunted Island is a grab bag of anything conceivably Halloweenish.Exposition Fairy: Flap, a giant purple bat that sounds like Peter Lorre.Evil Laugh: Repsac has an impressive one.

The cast's portraits even show up on the top of the cart. Easter Egg: Pressing the up arrow in front of the Cirque du Jumpstart cart will cut to a spooky version of the town from JumpStart Pre-K.however, they will scare you, and answering Repsac's questions incorrectly will cost you health. Defanged Horrors: You don't actually die, and the monsters won't actually hurt you in any way that's overt.Closed Circle: It's greatly implied that no one is allowed to leave Haunted Island.It's easy to miss the abandoned cart next to hers reading 'Cirque du Jumpstart'. Circus of Fear: Pomreeda's cart appears to be part of this kind of place.Cat Scare: If you pair two tablets that don't match in the Mummy Tomb, a cat screeches.The Cameo: Hidden in the trees in certain areas of the Lost Woods are characters from previous JumpStart games, consisting of the cast from JumpStart Preschool and CJ the frog from JumpStart 2nd Grade, each sporting a frightened or concerned look on their face.